Today is officially the International Day of Happiness, and what that ultimately means is today is a great day to do something nice for people who need your help. The Theme for today is “What Makes you Happy?” and tying that into helping to make someone else happy, too. Pharrell and the UN Foundation are working together on this project, and there are things that you can do, as well.
It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice to people, it doesn’t cost anything to hold a door open or to think of someone else, and boy can it make a big difference. Here are a few ways that you can share in the celebration globally, nationally, or locally.
Make It Simple….
Today look for small ways to make a difference. Smile. Don’t complain. Be grateful. Count your blessings. Share what you have. Hold open a door for someone, even if it takes a minute. Smile. If you see someone who needs help, lend a helping hand.
How About A Random Act of Kindness
The other day, I read about someone whose meal was paid for by the person in front of them in the drive thru. Not only did they really enjoy the expression of love, they shared it with their friends on social media. In turn, they did the same thing for someone else.
Do A Check-In
A short visit or call can really brighten someone’s day so call or stop by to check on someone in your neighborhood, a good friend, someone you have been thinking about. Go the extra mile.
Send A Card
Take out your card collection if you have one, or if you have children make it a family project. Create a few “Thinking of You” cards. You can drop them by a nursing home, a hospital, or a jail just to let someone know someone is thinking about them and praying for them.
Be Kind
If someone is working your last nerve, or it takes just a little more effort choose to be kind, and extra understanding. There is a quote that says everyone is fighting their own private battles. This is so true, so choose to be extra kind, it really makes a difference.
Donate Your Time
There are plenty of organizations around, that could really use your help. So, find an organization that you love, and whose mission is important to you and help them out. Even if you can’t volunteer today, give them a call and let them know you want to find out more about volunteering.
Donate To Your Local Food Bank
Today purchase a few extra cans of food, and donate them to your local food bank or organizations in your community that makes food and resources available locally.
Give Away A Book
If you have read a great book, or you have a library with some books you could get rid of, help that book find a new home.
Donate Money To A Cause You Care About
It is a great day to help others by donating money to a cause or an effort that you believe in. Organizations need money to run and to provide service to others, whether it is global, national or local find a charity that you can help.
Share on Social Media
Share what you did on social media. How did you celebrate, or how are you going to celebrate the International Day of Happiness? Share it with the tag #HappyDay, so people can see what an impact our combined efforts really make.
Most of all, Pray
For those who need prayer, your schools, children, your neighborhood, your elected officials, leaders, single parents, marriages, the elderly, those in hospitals, those in the military, those who serve both here and abroad, police, firefighters, teachers, the bereaved, those suffering, and those in jails. Put together your own prayer list and take some time out today to pray for everyone on it.
Make today, a day when you give of yourself. Do something that makes you happy. Remember, Happiness is often tied up in what we do for others. Today as you celebrate, look for ways to be a blessing to someone else. To find out more, go here.. http://24hoursofhappiness.com and be sure to share and use the hashtag #happyDAY
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