This year I've decided to spend more time reading so I am on a quest to read 52Booksin365 days. So, far I am still on track even though I've had to slowdown a little here and there. This weeks read is a book I really enjoyed. Watch Me Disappear by Janelle Brown. This book is one that I would of normally passed on, not because the premise wasn't good, I usually stay … [Read more...] about This Week’s Read: #WatchMeDisappear by @JanelleB @Randomhouse #52in365
books to read
Should #HelloSunshine Make Your Summer Reading List? #52in365 @SimonSchuster
If you are looking for a good book, please tune in as our goal is to review 52 books in 365 days. This week's installment is a contemporary novel called, Hello, Sunshine.. The book jumped out at me because of the pretty cover (yes, I know totally not the way to pick a good book) and the premise. What happens when your life turns upside down? So, What Is Hello, … [Read more...] about Should #HelloSunshine Make Your Summer Reading List? #52in365 @SimonSchuster
What We Loved This Week – #FridayFavs Oct 21
Life is full of amazing things so I've decided to create a place to share some of my favorite things weekly. Whether it's books, food, restaurants, articles, quotes, products, you name it I am going to share them in these weekly posts. It will give me a chance to share some of the things I really enjoyed this week. Feel free to join in and share some of your … [Read more...] about What We Loved This Week – #FridayFavs Oct 21
UnBroken: Should You Go See it..My Answer IS Going To Surprise You
I was really excited about the Unbroken movie. I really was.. Just know, before November I never heard of this story or Louie Zamperini. The book and the writer were a mystery until the Random House Open House event. The Random House team not talked about the book at the Open House they held in November. They told phenomenal stories about both the author, Laura … [Read more...] about UnBroken: Should You Go See it..My Answer IS Going To Surprise You