Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him – Job 13:15
There are times when we have to just trust, wait, go through. It is not fun, but is necessary! Although most of us hate to admit it, we have learned more during our most painful times than we have learned during our most successful times.
Pain is a very effective teacher! When we find ourselves going through a challenging time it often helps to remember what God has been in our past, so we understand what He is capable and willing to do in our future. If He has come to your rescue before, He will come and help you in the future.
God has a habit of not showing up when and how we want Him to, we feel like he is late, and that he has put more on us than we are capable of handling, but that is never true!
God has carefully crafted our experiences to give us the very things we need to grow and develop. God knows what is inside of us, and exactly what it will take to gef them out. Although we would choose the comfortable over the uncomfortable that won’t afford us the opportunity to become our best or even effective in the assignment He has given us!
Job’s sentiments show his great trust in who God is, and the path God has for his life. He acknowledges that the path God has chosen for him is painful, but perfect.
Each of us has the ability to look at the occasion as necessary and transformational, or an unfair and cruel punishment. One viewpoint allows you to look at what God is doing and the other makes you depressed and makes you drop to your knees. God gives us the ability to view things like Him by allowing us to see something’s as necessary and important for our growth and development long term.
Be willing to trust God even when the direction He is taking you in seems dark and dismal. God has a plan for you and it is quite extraordinary, if you believe Him and follow the plan He has for you they will surely come to pass.
Our faith hinges on the fact that God is faithful, trustworthy, and always right. He doesn’t make mistakes and He is not shortsighted. If He has put this situation in front of you He has surely done it to make you better, not bitter. Be willing to give God the benefit of the doubt, and trust the direction that He is taking you!
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