This is a word of advice to my younger sisters and brothers, please dream! Dream Big and Dream a lot, but don’t stop there!
My Cautionary Tale, Don’t Be Like Me, Be Better
We all have a story about a dream we lost or never pursed. Mine was deciding not to apply to my dream college, Spelman.
I can still remember it like it was yesterday. My fear of math made elementary functions a real life horror story. After weeks of trying to get the material, I failed my math class in my senior year of high school. At the end of the first semester when I opened my report card and saw that F in math class, my hopes of going to Spelman were crushed. Failing that math class seemed like such a huge blemish on my transcript, despite getting straight A’s in all my other classes. I remember imagining what admissions would say, the laughs and chuckles from the room when they viewed my application and slid it to the “not a chance” pile. I was sure that with that F, there was no way I would ever get into Spelman. In my mind, I had cast aside all my other extracurricular accomplishments: being editor in chief of the yearbook, Vice President of the school student body, working for a bank everyday after school. I thought that all they would see was that one failing grade. Instead of being heartbroken by the rejection letter I was sure they would send, I decided to save myself from the embarrassment and rejection by not applying. Today, I still kick myself over that decision, but I learned a valuable lesson; no matter what happens, try.
[Tweet “Don’t stomp on your own dreams by not giving yourself a chance, try. @aidajingram”]
Why I Believe Dreams Are Important
Every single day, lives are transformed and saved by dreams. As an adult, I know I have seen that truth first hand, and you probably have too.
[Tweet “Dreams are the framework, it’s planning & action that make them come alive. @aidajingram”]
When I talk to people who don’t have dreams or who have dreams that they don’t feel will come to pass, I take it personally. You are NEVER too young or too old to dream. PERIOD!
An Opportunity I Hope You Consider
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend Disney Social Media Moms Celebration (a true honor; I love Disney and you can never get enough of that Pixie Dust). During this event, I heard Tracey, one of the Vice Presidents from Walk Disney Parks and Resorts talk about Disney Dreamers Academy.
As she was speaking, the faces of the young people in my life rushed into my mind. Have you ever talked to someone with a gift or a dream who needs someone to guide them so they can fulfill their utmost potential, or someone who really needs a break from their situation? I pray you will listen with your heart and think of all the young people in your life that you can share this opportunity with. If this is you, pay attention and seriously consider applying.
Disney Dreamers Academy
On the website, Disney Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine is explained this way; “We help unlock the potential in young people and enable them to imagine their futures anew through inspirational leaders who show how to set goals, make plans and dream big”.
So far 1,000 dreamers have gone through this program and it has changed their lives.
When you have your whole life ahead of you, the opportunities are endless. However, navigating choices, options and having people around you to help is vital. At Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Disney Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine works tirelessly to change the lives of 100 young people. For four days, one hundred dreamers are exposed to speakers, leaders, actors and actresses, professionals with all kinds of backgrounds, mentors and entrepreneurs to give them information, motivation, tools, and support to help them dream bigger and accomplish their goals. The young individual and one other person in their life receive an all-expense paid trip to Disney for this power packed event, so don’t let your money situation stop you from applying. When they are finished, they have an experience they will never forget along with contacts, information, support and 1,000 other Disney Dreamer Academy Alumni they can call on for encouragement and help.
Seeing Is Believing
I was already REALLY excited about this program, but I was really sold when I heard Jordan Williams owner of Young Mogul Brand, Disney Dreamers Academy Alumni speak about his experience. Take a listen here.
How To Apply And Who Should Apply
The application is now open and closes on October 31st (your application has to be submitted by 11:59PM). It can be found on the Disney Dreamers Academy website, click here.
If you are a young person ages 13-19 in high school with a dream and some motivation, this experience is for you. One thing that they really drilled home when they shared the opportunity with us is that you shouldn’t let your background stop you from applying to this program. Be honest, share your experiences, show them what you have learned and how you have grown. Past failures, family issues, or previous bad decisions don’t disqualify you from life, so don’t count yourself out before you start. We’ve all made mistakes, this maybe the opportunity that changes your life. APPLY.
The application is simple three questions, (the combined word count of all three questions should be no more than 600 words).
- If you were asked by Steve Harvey to tell your story, what would your story be?
Describe an experience that has had a big impact on you. Discuss the experience, your actions in response to this experience, and the impact on your goals for the future.
What are your dreams after high school? What are your strengths and weaknesses that may impact your ability to reach this deal and how will Disney Dreamers Academy help to increase the odds of your success?
Over 19, Here Is How You Can Help Spread Some Pixie Dust
Find someone you can share this information with and encourage the young people in your circle to apply. Share this application with teachers, social workers, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, coaches, students, mentors and anyone else who interacts with young people. This is a great opportunity; don’t let the people in your life miss the chance of a lifetime. Fill out the application with them, not for them. Let them do the application on their own, read through their responses, help them flush out what they are trying to say, let them practice with you, and take a look at the application before they press send. Make sure they turn it in on time. Don’t take no for an answer. Sometimes young people won’t apply because they don’t think they will be selected, encourage them to try anyway. Lastly, stay tuned to the Disney page for updates and other exciting news.
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