Life is short.
Even if you live for 100 years, your time here is fleeting.
A few short years ago you couldn’t wait to be 16, then it was 18, and then it was 21. After that thought it seems like time just starts flying by….so how do you make sure that those precious moments matter? Most importantly, how do you make a habit of paying attention to your life long enough to know when you are wasting your time and you need to move on?
- Take Inventory – Ask yourself some important questions. How old are you and what have you accomplished (be kind). How are you feeling and how do you honestly feel about your life. These questions will help you do a short assessment and with that you have a starting point.
- Pay Attention – We usually know more about our lives then we are willing to admit. Take a day and pay attention to how you spend your time and how you feel about everything from your job, your endeavors, your relationship, and your health. Do judge it, but pay attention to what your life is telling you.
- Write Down Your Values – Values are important and you need to know what your values are. This exercise is a great way to get to the heart of what you think is really important. What do you care about? Who are the important people? How are you spending your time? Write down 10 words that describe your values…what they are and/or what you want them to be.
- Look At Your Life and Your Values – Here is where the fun comes in. Take out your list of values and take out your calendar and your checkbook. What are you spending your money and your time on? Where do you know you need to make changes? [Tweet “If your values don’t line up with your actions, they are wishes not values. @aidajingram”]
- Be Willing To Make Changes. – This activity is a wake up call. The great part is now that you have some information you can DECIDE where you make changes.
[Tweet “An unexamined life is one that is not worth living. @aidajingram”]
You can CHOOSE to LIVE your life or you can allow your circumstances and behaviors (conscious or unconscious) to make all of your choices for you.
Personally, I would rather make choices on my own. What about you?
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