If you saw last night’s episode on #Scandal The Fluffer, you know how crazy it was I was on the edge of my seat until the absolute end. Not only was the episode action packed, there were some great quotes and some even better lessons that you can learn from Olivia Pope and her team.
We all know us Gladiators have to stick together. So, here are just a few of our favorite quotes and some of the lessons that we all can learn from them.
Alert: If you haven’t watched the episode you probably want to stop reading here because there are definitely some spoilers.
1. When people tell you who they are, believe them.
“Your father’s treating you like a mark.” – Huck
Huck very quickly recognized Papa Pope’s way of doing business as usual. Yes, Olivia is his daughter, but don’t think for a minute his steps aren’t clearly designed and calculated.
Lesson: When you realize how people operate it is not a good time to think this time is different. People change, but fundamentally we are all creatures of habit. Pay attention and act accordingly.
2. You need to know what is REALLY on the line.
“I’m drunk and I’m standing outside your door’ …I asked you to save me, and you said no, I wish you would have stood in the sun with me – Jake
Jake and Olivia are both in a really awkward place, it is like Papa Pope and Mama Pope part two or that is kinda how it looks right now. She had a chance to turn things around and so did she.
Lesson: Before you make a move, you need to think it through, you don’t want to end up second guessing your decision once you have made it.
3. You need to know your position, and play it
“Tell me, I want to hear it from you. What do you need?” – Olivia Pope
“Consider It Handled” – Olivia Pope
Olivia realized as she looked into the president’s face that she was there to do a job, and as angry as she was about what she was being asked to do, her job was to take care of the garbage. He asked, and she needed to perform the duty.
Lesson: Sometimes we find ourselves victims of where we are and what we have chosen to accept or do. By being in those positions, we now have responsibilities that we have to perform. If you don’t like the position…Figure out how to quit the job.
4. You need to know the difference between, what you need and what you want!
“I know that is what you want, but what do you need?” – Olivia Pope
Fitz has a big problem with delayed gratification. He wants it and he wants it now. He is worse than a kid in a candy store, and Olivia knows it.
Lesson: Life is about choices and it is easy to mix up our needs and our wants, but it is not a good habit to get into. Our needs are the things we have to have, and our wants are our like to haves, don’t get those mixed up. If we don’t operate from a place where we recognize our needs first, we can get into a lot of trouble and find ourselves fixing problems we never needed. Just say no…
5. Don’t act without thinking through the consequences
“What Did You Do” – Jake
They were celebrating and it was a great victory, except it wasn’t. They were in the heat of the moment, and pulling the plug was not a good idea. Now it is done and they can’t fix it.
Lesson: Think through your options, even if that means you have to stop and think BEFORE you act. Taking a minute to stop and think is not a bad thing, and it can save you tons of headaches.
6. Sometimes, You have to take one for the team
“We all do things we don’t want to do and this is what we doing” – Olivia Pope
Lesson: Everyone has to take one from the team every once in a while. You have to go out when you don’t want to go out and you have to work on things when you would rather stay in bed. This is maturity and it is life. When it comes down to making a decision, you have to make it and then carry it out until it is done.
7. You Have Always Got To Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions…
Fitz called Olivia out on this one, and he was right. She had options, she didn’t have to start a relationship with him, that was a choice they both made. And now she needed to take responsibility for her actions.
Lesson: In life, we have to do the same thing. The decisions you make are yours, rarely are they decisions that others made for us. We made a choice and now we have to live with the cost of our actions. We can’t blame others, for choices that we could have walked away from.
8. Quitting is not an option
Lesson: When it comes down to it, there are times when everyone wants to quit. There are times when you may wonder why did I even bother. The reality is somewhere deep beyond the stuff, you know what you are doing really matters and you know that you have to do what you have to do. It is great to have a fan club, but sometimes it’s just you. Keep moving, keep pressing and don’t quit!
Here are our highlights from this week’s episode of #Scandal. Leave your comments below with your favorite quote from last nights episode, we can’t wait to hear them.
(The pictures in this post were courtesy of ABC Scandal)
Read our last #Scandal article here.
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