What Color Is Your Juice?
I wanted to invite you along this amazing journey I am taking….thanks to some gentle pressure from a friend Nicole Graves from http://www.thesweeterthejuice.com, and tons of appetizing posts from her blog and Facebook page, I have decided to juice.
This is not a new idea for me. I thought about juicing last year. I researched juicers, and made a decision to go forward, and then I ran across another product and decided to go a different direction. What I didn’t factor in is the fact that I HATE pulp. Although I have smoothies occasionally, I just didn’t want to have a smoothie every day.
After hearing Nicole share her experiences, I decided to try again, and I am inviting anyone who’s up for the challenge to come join me. I am making a commitment to juice for life, so every day I will be sharing the color and recipe of my juice, and I will be inviting you to do the same!
I have to admit I am a little ahead since I started on the 5th, but feel free to jump in anytime and share what you are trying, the results, and lets all support each other along the way… I will be adding these to this Website and the http://www.facebook.com/girlfriendswithgoals Facebook page. I will be also be asking other juicers to share their favorite recipes and some of the other things they have learned along the way.
What I hope will come out of it….
We hope to provide you with viable options for you to consider for a healthier lifestyle. We want to help you find ways to lose weight, feel better and have more energy in a way that is healthy and sustainable. We hope this will help you become more serious about your health, and if juicing can help us get back into shape, live longer lives, and help us gain energy, and lose weight it is a great way to start! I hope in this community we can help and support each other, and this is just one of the ways. Let’s get started!