At different times through this parenting journey I asked myself, “What was I thinking?”, because there are so many times when being a mom is just hard.
And it’s funny…I prayed for a girl, I really did.
When you grow up with two younger brothers, who were both daredevils having a son is a scary thing. I mean those boys broke arms, played football, and were always hurting themselves. They pushed that envelope a little too far, and every time I turned around there was something.
So, those sweet words, “It’s A Girl”, was music to my ears. At first!
My daughter had a name before I had the presence of mind to know that she was already growing in my womb, Micai. Her arrival was a little unplanned, but we loved her from the day we found out she was coming. Oh wow, we are going to be parents.
Looking back, I realize that there are so many things that I can barely recall. I have snapshots and memories, but it all just seemed to go so fast.
My daughter is no longer that little girl infatuated with Po and Lala, I am a parent of teen who will soon be leaving home and chasing her own dreams.
It’s crunch time.
My daughter is a junior now and I have this year and next to teach her everything I want her to know about life, growing up, and being a young christian lady . I will spend these last few months pouring all that I can into her, to help her build a strong foundation that will help her create the life that she will not just live, but love.
My daughter is bright and beautiful, but just like any other kid she makes mistakes.
She is figuring out who she is, and she is finding her way, but she is also stretching us.
As parents, we’ve had to exercise great patience and understanding, and of course, there were times when have done better than others.
Looking back over these 16 years, I realize that our daughter in some ways has grown up with us. We were in our mid twenties when we had her so, we were still growing ourselves. There were so many times when I felt overwhelmed, times when I didn’t feel like I had clear direction. Times when I didn’t know which way was up.
Navigating life with a new marriage and a child was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
Even though parenting is a rewarding experience, it’s hard work. It is also always changing, and this is one of those times. So, now it is the time for something different, helping her and us get ready for the next chapter.
Our focus now is on making every second count, and not taking these precious moments for granted. I know that they will be gone sooner than I think!
Are you preparing to be an empty nester or do you know someone who is? What kinds of lessons would you share with parents who are getting ready for this new season of their life, please feel free to share your comments and stories below.
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