I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to look and feel better and any day is a good day to start taking better care of you. The challenge is making it easy enough to fit into your already busy schedule.
Looking For That Easy Button
Ok, I know there is no real easy button, but things don’t have to be complicated either. When you ease into changes instead of trying to change everything at once you are bound to be more successful.
So if you are tired of jeans that don’t fit, tired of that guilty feeling you have when you slip up yet again and tired of looking back and wishing you hadn’t given into that late night craving, This is an article you are going to want to read and share with your friends!
Now, I don’t want to over promise and under deliver, but I will say that these tips and several of my other goodies, which I will be sharing with you helped me lose over 25 pounds without “dieting”getting me back to a weight I haven’t seen in over 10 years. Are you interested yet?
If you are ready to make some changes, but don’t know where to start this is going to be a great series for you.
This first step is SUPER easy and SUPER duper cheap, so anyone who is serious about making changes should be able to do this without even breaking a sweat.
Let’s Get Started
Trade in one of your snacks and replace it with a piece of fruit at least once EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you are not a big snack person, think about what you are eating and think about what you can switch out and replace with a fruit. For example, cutback on the amount of grains you eat, or cut down on the amount of meat you eat, and replace it with a fruit. If you can add more than one fruit that is even better.
This is a small step, with HUGE payout.
2. Pack And Eat These Three Fruits
Both my husband and I used this technique with these three fruits: bananas, grapefruits and oranges and in less than four months we lost over 40 pounds. This really works!! One or two of these every day is fine.
Why these 3 are my favorites and why I think they will be yours too?
- These are portable power foods, packed with vitamins and minerals.
- They are easy to find and are around all year long.
- They are low in calories.
- They have fiber.
- They don’t cost a lot of money.
- BONUS: These fruits are pretty safe, even if they are not organic.
Not convinced? Here are a few extra benefits:
- Grapefruits boost your metabolism.
- Oranges have tons of vitamin C.
- Bananas have a load of potassium.
- They will fill you up so you aren’t quite as hungry.
3. Eat A Salad At Least Once A Day With A Healthy Salad Dressing
Salads are a great addition to any meal, they are healthy and they pack a big punch. The one thing that you must consider is you can’t load them up with heavy high calorie salad dressings. A salad with lettuce, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers can cut your appetite and put your weight loss in high gear. All that fiber is great for your system and it will help you stay full longer. Shoot for salad dressings that are less than 100 calories for 2 tablespoon and even better make your own. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed a dressing of olive oil with herbs and seasoning. Get creative.
4. Water, Water and More Water
Drinking 1/2 of your weight in oz’s may seem scary or even impossible, but it is a key in any weight loss strategy. If the idea of drinking that much water makes you want to cry, don’t worry I have got great tips to help you want to read this. .
If you are serious about making some real healthy changes give these tricks a try and tune in for more healthy tips. The biggest and most important tip is to start now!
Check out some of my other posts with tips Juicing Made Easy and Carrot Grapefruit Juice
If you want even more support, check out the Facebook group for women who want to improve their health, you can join us in #HERFITCLUB by clicking here.
Carlee C says
I started working out at a gym about a month ago and my goal is to lose 15 pounds. I definitely need to up my game in regards to eating more fruit, so I actually picked up a bunch today at the store.