When It comes down to it, productivity and time management are all about options.
Most importantly, it is about finding the right option for you….
There is no one size fits all option for improving your productivity and for managing your time, and guess what, that is okay…..
Over the past few weeks, we have talked about ways that you can deal with some real issues around productivity.
I’ve shared some of my own challenges with e-mail and taming my e-mail box.
And surprisingly, I am not the only one dealing with e-mail overload.
If you missed the video, check it out here
No matter what your productivity challenge is… the first step is understanding that there are options out there that can help you.
If you already know what your productivity challenges are… you can go right to finding great options. If you don’t, you need to take a close look beyond the surface.
For instance, are you always late? Do you find that your schedule is always packed? Do you keep things to long? or Do you have a challenge with organizing?
I know these are just a few questions, but let’s take a look at one of these for arguments sake.
For challenges with organization, take the time to figure out, what kind of tools you could use to help you get things in order.
Note: It helps to understand how you work and what your normal tendencies are.
Check out this other article on productivity and look at some of the tips our community members shared.
The article, Productivity for Busy Women had some great tips on things you can do to help increase your productivity.
It is great to hear what is working for other people, it may give you some great ideas about, what might work for you.
Don’t feel bad about asking for help, and using tools that could help you keep things together.
For instance, I just added myself to the #GoBoxi list because it looks like an option that would work great for me so I am willing to try it to find out for sure. if you are interested in a tool like this, add your name to the list by clicking here http://bit.ly/gwgemail You will never know what is going to work until you try it yourself, that way you can see what you like and what you don’t.
No matter what kinds of tools you use, or what kind of techniques you try, give yourself a break. All of us have areas where we can get better, and where we should. Be willing to work hard, and don’t forget to acknowledge the areas where you have improved. Then take steps to keep on improving and growing.
As you try out these tips and others and as you find tools that make your life easier please share them so others can benefit from your experiences.
This is part of a series sponsored by #GoBoxi a tool to help busy people manage their e-mail boxes. We have included it as a service to all those busy women who care about their time, and spending it on #whatmatters
All opinions and views are our own.
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