Looking To Make Some Extra Money? Why Etsy Might Be The Right Answer For You! There are some creative people who can turn a piece of paper into a piece of art, a scrap piece of material into an original bag a dress, or a decorative pillow, and some buttons and a wash cloth into a cute doll. Unfortunately, I am NOT one of them!Naturally talented people tend to think what they … [Read more...] about Looking To Make Some Extra Money? Why Etsy Might Be The Right Answer For You!
If You Are On Facebook, It’s Time To Take A Closer Look At Privacy!
Just In Case! If You Are On Facebook It’s Time To Review Your Privacy Settings Yesterday Facebook made an announcement that I don’t think any of us were expecting, the introduction of Graph Search. A great new way to search for information you want to know about your friends. For instance, now you can see who has traveled overseas by typing in the phrase, “friends who have … [Read more...] about If You Are On Facebook, It’s Time To Take A Closer Look At Privacy!