I know you’ve probably seen the trailers, you may have even caught a glimpse of the all-Star cast. Maybe you’re a big fan of Boris Kudjoe, William Levy, Tyson Beckford, or maybe you aren’t. (Here is the trailer, if you haven’t seen it)
Whatever reason you have for being curious about a movie like Addicted, the real question is should you see it. Well, I’m here to answer that for you.
Before I answer that question for you, or at least give you my opinion about whether or not I think you should or shouldn’t see this movie, there is something equally as important the issue that Addicted addresses, Addiction.
It’s so easy for us to forget that addiction of any kind is not only real, but it’s painful. Families are torn apart, lives are change, and the cost of addiction is high to all parties involved. When you or someone you know is addicted to anything, you NEVER know what you’ll end up pay.
In Zane’s new movie Addicted, we are reminded of that truth. We meet the character Zoe, played by Sharon Neal. She has everything, so why isn’t it enough. She is beautiful, she is successful, she has it all, and yet we see how her life is turned upside down.
This movie takes you on a roller coaster ride, you get a front row seat to Zoe’s fall and it’s not pretty.
I won’t give you all the details, I won’t steal the movies thunder, nor will I ruin the experience for you. I will encourage you to make the choice to see this movie so you can experience it for yourself.
What I will say is this movie was very well done. Despite the subject matter the movie was very tastefully done. The audience laughed, cried, and clapped. It was hard to imagine what would happen next. The story was very well written, and the acting was good. Most of all, the movie with captivating and informative.
Most of all, they gave you a chance to think differently about what you think you know about addiction, and what you think about people who suffer from them.
I hope you will take some time this weekend to check out the movie yourself.
In my opinion, this movie is a must see, not just because of the acting, the story, or the topic, but because of them all. This is a real life issue that we need to talk about a little more often. I hope you go see the movie, and I hope it will open up a dialogue with you, your friends, your family, and your community that is long-overdue.
If you would like to know more about the movie, I encourage you to check out the interview I did with one of the screenwriters, Christina Welsh before the release of the film here.
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