You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. – Psalm 139:13-16
I spent a lot of time thinking about life, mine and the lives of others. My life has had so many twists and turns, joys, disappointments, pains, and so many unexpected outcomes. There are times when I think back on some of the crazy things I have done, and I only have one response….God not only do you love me, but you sure have a lot of patience!
As a parent, there are times when I get so angry and dissapointed about some of the choices my child makes I feel like I am in the movie, School Daze screaming wake up! Don’t get me wrong she is an amazing kid, bright, beautiful, talented, and strong, but when I look at her I realize how incredibly gifted and talented she is, and how many things I feel like she leaves on the table and I just want to cry.
God has this amazing vision that I don’t have. He doesn’t ever look at a situaion not knowing how it is going to turn out, or wondering if everything is going to be okay. He knows! He has gone through every generation and He knows all of our twists and turns. We can’t surprise God, something I think we often forget. There are no gotcha moments, He knows, He sees and He is in control.
God never gives up hope on us, He never stops reaching out for us and giving us a chance to grow in Him and be better. He doesn’t get caught up in our failures, they way we do. He already knows how our failures will fuel our success because He has already orchestrated the turn around. As you look at your life, and the lives of others be gentle. God has made a way for you to live the rich life that He has planned for you. He sees what makes you stumble and what makes you fall. He also sees how you get up, dust off your clothes and trust Him again with your crumbs, failures, and breakdowns.
Life has a way of evolving. It opens up and reveals new treasures daily. We wake up, we breathe, we live and hopefully through trusting, leaning, stretching, and depending on Him we grow. One of the gifts He gives us is hope. The hope that things can change, and get better. The hope that we can change, and the willingness to do it. The hope that life never has to be what it is today, and the hope that inspite of all of our misteps and failures we have and will continue to find an open door, and a chance at something better courtesy of Him.
Today cling and remember the hope you have in Jesus Christ. Be willing to walk, to believe and to receive. Know that you are more than you see today and that you are rich with possibilites too great for you to imagine. Most of all remember, no matter how you feel God has never given up hope on you. He loves, trusts, sees, and knows you, warts and all and He will and has never given up hope!
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