Here are just a few of the insights from the talk Andy Stanley gave at #Leadercast2014
Think about how you can go Beyond you!
1. Remember that leadership requires developing new leaders.
2. You should ask the question, “How can you develop others so that they can grow into better leaders?”
3. Who is coming behind you? Who can you help?
Remember if your leadership isn’t all about you, it will live beyond you.
If your leadership is all about you, it will not live beyond you.
You have the potential to live beyond you right now, by investing in others…
Andy Stanley’s Tips for how to become a Beyond You leader.
Pour into new leaders WITHOUT worrying about what you will get out of it.
Develop people because you can!
Here are three tips to help you become a better leader.
Three things to shift your leadership.
1 Make as few decisions, as possible.
Empower others to make the decisions THEY CAN Make. Don’t allow people to let you make the decisions for them.
Empower others to make EVERY decision that they can make on their own, only step in when it’s necessary. Remind them that they are better than they think they are, and they can really do more than they think that they can do.
2. Ask What Two or Three things you can do to help them get their work done.
Ask the question, “How can I work for you?” You need to ask those who you lead what resources they need to get their job, or task done? Do you need me to talk to others? Do you need me to talk to other leaders on your behalf? Ask what power, resources or information that you need to go to the next level. Then, make it your mission to help them get what they need to get done!
3. Empty Their Cup. Find opportunities to help others fill their cup. Think of ways to help them, by empowering them with the tools that will help them excel, grow, or develop. Ask yourself, “How can I pour my experience in this area?”, to make them better and to help them get things done. This may look like sharing your advice or experience in this area. It may be forwarding articles and books that can help others excel and grow.
Remember, this next level of leadership requires investment in others, and this can only be done if you are willing to work to develop those who will come behind you, even if you get absolutely nothing out of it.
Powerful leadership happens when people dive in, and work together in order to accomplish the work done. We help people get where they need to go, by working to move the next set of leaders forward.
Great leaders work Fearlessly and selflessly to empowers those leaders who are behind them. This is how #beyondyou Leadership really looks.
Andy Stanley has written 20+ books here are just a few of them.
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