I know all about New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t know about you but I am so over them!
It’s not that I don’t like the idea of starting the year of right, but I DON’T believe that if I don’t start the year off right, I’m destined to stay stuck all year. The other problem I have with this New Year’s Resolution garbage is that it is soo easy to get excited, caught up in the moment and fall flat on your face.
It is soo easy to get discouraged, give up, feel like a failure, and find yourself questioning whether you will EVER be able change.
Change is hard because you operate on auto-pilot and long term change requires a plan and lots of follow through. Since 90% of our actions are based on our subconscious thoughts, changing is a fight to the finish.
You are comfortable doing things just the way you do them now. The idea of change sounds great until you actually have to do it.
So, I have good news and bad news.
Now that you have that New Year’s Resolution stuff out of your system, you are finally ready to get a plan and fight this battle until you win.
Change is possible, if you are willing to DO THE WORK. So, where do you start.
I always tell people to pay attention to people who have successfully done what you want to do. That is why I am a big fan of books and resources. Resources allow you to learn from other people’s struggles and their successes. They also help you feel better when you want to quit, you know that they can do it and you can do it too.
So here are two resources that you may want to consider as you look for ways to change for good.
The Shift by Tory Johnson
In this book, Tory shares how she faced her challenges and ultimately won her weight-loss journey.
Tory tells it like it is, I love that she is so transparent. She talks about how she felt, about her denial, how she was making change harder and how she finally succeeded. Tory’s battle is just like the battle you are facing now. You are comfortable and settled in your ways. If you want things to get better you have to do something different.
[Tweet “Change is like a dirty word you love to say, but aren’t ready to accept.”]
The life you want is right in the middle of that dirty, grimy challenge and you have to be willing to fight to get every single piece of the treasure.
In Tory’s book, you will see her fight until she gets where she wants to be.
I bought this book years ago, when I realized that my faulty thinking was getting in my way.
The Right Questions by Debbie Ford gives you a sharp dose of reality. The questions in the book make you evaluate your thoughts and then you can see how they are holding you back. When you answer those questions, you can decide if your thoughts REALLY represent how you feel or if fear is holding you back.
[Tweet “This year can be just like last year, or it can be TOTALLY different, YOU DECIDE. “]
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