When I heard about this book, I could NOT WAIT to read it. It’s a topic that everyone seemed to be discussing and no one REALLY had a solution, well not until now.
Perhaps you have been touched by this issue yourself, you may even be guilty of it yourself. After reading this book, I think we all could use a gut check. Think you know what it is….let’s see
If you are still puzzled, don’t worry by the end of chapter one, you won’t be. Dr. Townsend makes everything crystal clear. Check out the list below and see if any of these sound familiar.
Have you ever experienced this?
- Someone who says, I deserve “XYZ”, even though they haven’t done anything
- You give someone a gift, do something nice & wonder what happened to “Thank You”
- You have a child who EXPECTS $200 sneakers or an expensive phone on your dime?
- The person who thinks everything is “everyone else’s fault”?
- The person who expects everyone else to pick up the slack?
- The spouse who won’t take responsibility for their part in any problem & they feel like you should be happy to have someone like them in your life.
- The person who blames you for spoiling them & expects you to keep doing it, even when it is no longer practical?
- You are out shopping. You ask the clerk for help, they make you feel like you are bothering them even though you want to make a purchase?
Sound familiar??? This is a book you want to read and share.
In The Entitlement Cure, Dr. Townsend makes you think about what you believe you and question whether or not you’re right. With real world examples from his work that everyone can understand, he explains why the entitlement issue is such a BIG issue.
From kids who expect everything, to employees who feel like the world owes them something, the book is a real eye opener. The book forces you to take a closer look at yourself and ask if there is anything you need to change.
When entitlement rears it’s ugly head, Dr. Townsend gives you solutions & suggestions that you can implement yourself or share with others.
An expert, best selling author and well respected psychologist, Dr. Townsend delivers another must read book. This book is perfect for anyone who deals with people, serves in leadership, or who wants to grow. Dr. Townsend’s understanding of people and group dynamics shows us why we love his work & why resources like this are priceless.
Don’t miss these great books
Dr. Henry McCloud and Dr. John Townsend have written a number of amazing books, here are some of my personal favorites Boundaries, How People Grow, Changes That Heal and How To Have That Difficult Conversation. If you haven’t read these, I hope you consider adding them to your library they are well worth every dime you will spend.
One way to embrace the #EntitlementCure is to change “I Deserve” to “I am Responsible.” — www.TheEntitlementCure.com
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