The Terrible Truth
I have never seen or met anyone with a perfect life, I know plenty of people who make life look good and I know tons of people who have DONE THE WORK to make their lives meaningful, purposeful and enjoyable, but no one’s life is perfect.
Even though this is true, it doesn’t stop you from allowing yourself to believing that everything in someone else’s house is amazing, but at your house there are some “Real Issues”.
[Tweet ” Comparison is a thief, it steals your joy and your happiness and leaves you with Nothing!”]
There are some habits that we pick up that can lead us to some very uncomfortable places. They can make us unhappy and they can REALLY rob us of precious moments that we can never get back. This is one of those areas….
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
Do you ever find yourself comparing your life….
- To the person on television?
- To your friends, your neighbors, the stranger you see riding down the road?
- Perhaps you feel like you just are not where “you should be”?
- Maybe in your mind, you thought that you would be much further along than you are today and you are wondering what in the world happened to you?
- You may even have one of those lists, you know the by “30, I will have this, and by 40 I will be here”, etc.
If I am bowling down your alley, please keep reading, I think I have a book for you!
[Tweet “Get out of the habit of comparing your apples to someone elses oranges – @aidajingram”]
It is so easy to look at a picture of “someone else’s life” and feel like you have been wasting your time. What we rarely consider in those moments is the painful reality that they have gotten where they are because of all of the handwork you never saw, or that you are COMPARING there airbrushed and touched up picture, to your raw footage. #EPICFAIL
So, you are not comparing apples to apples, you are comparing apples to oranges without even realizing it, and you wonder why you feel so bad!
[Tweet “Comparison is like a broken yardstick, you read the numbers but you don’t know what you are measuring – @aidajingram”]
In I’m Happy For You, Sort of….
Kay does a great job of talking about comparison and the challenges that is causes for each and every one of us.
She deals with relationships and fears and the frustrations that comparison will often create. She helps us identify ways in which we can identify problem areas, and most of all she helps us see the ways that we can grow personally and snap out of dysfunctional cycles faster.
[Tweet “When you compare your raw footage to someone else’s full track motion picture you will always come out dead last @aidajingram”]
Kay’s analogies are great and she is pretty funny. Examples that are relatable and fresh make there way though out the book. She also helps you understand the need for practice vs. believing that tomorrow you will be cured from this terrible practice.
Kay also gives you a number of things to consider as you go on throughout your day. Encouraging you to think about ways to make the most out of every detour. She challenges you to think differently about what you see online. She also encourages you to rethink how you are viewing your own life.
Take A Look Inside….
In the book, Kay explores our friendships and she encourages you to know the difference between “friends” and true friends.
[Tweet “This is your life, you get to decide who get’s a front row seat & who has to sit in the back – @aidajingram”]
Kay explains the importance of having people around you who can accept you just as you are vs. being in relationships where you constantly have to feel like perfection is required.
Let’s face it…
[Tweet “Not everyone you meet can handle all of you & you can’t handle all of them – @aidajingram”]
She addresses perspective as being one of the key areas that determines your happiness. She also helps you see comparison as the big problem it really is, especially when it grows or encourages unhealthy behavior or negative feelings.
In the book, Kay gives us the tools we need to break up with our comparison lifestyle. She helps us identify the ways we can find ourselves moving in the direction early on so that we can avoid the slippery slope of comparison more often. Seeing the ways that comparison can show up in our lives is a very valuable tool that lasts a long time. It can also help us move not just ourselves, but also our families into healthier places not just now, but long term.
Kay also reminds us of the fact that God knows what YOU NEED so the fact that your life and my life aren’t the same should actually be expected.
When it comes down to it, Kay gives us a lot to think about and consider. She encourages you to embrace and love the life you have. She helps you remember that your life is a gift, that you have so much to be thankful for no matter what is going on today.
[Tweet “Comparison is a thief that steals your joy & leaves you with NOTHING, but bad feelings. -@aidajingram”]
We all have so much to be thankful for even though those things don’t all look the same.
Here is my book review video, feel free to watch it, share it and please pick up the book. This would be a great women’s book club read, an awesome mother’s day gift, especially for a new mom, or just a great book to pick up and share with a friend.
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