There are plenty of opportunities in life, but let’s be clear, in the beginning success probably won’t look the way you thought it would. You have to be willing to put in the time, and focus on where you want to go, and work until where you are looks like where you want to be.
We all know that success only comes before work in the dictionary, but what does the road to success really look like?
Today’s question is what are you doing to get to a place where your success is not just something you wish for, but instead something you are actually getting closer to every day?
Oprah had Kevin Hart on her Oprah Prime show last night. As funny as Kevin Hart is, he was serious about one thing success. Now, he is clearly in his prime, being featured in tons of movies, and doing his stand up, his name is everywhere. Overnight success? No, he’s been doing this for 18 years.
What have you been working on for eighteen years, ok ten years, even five? Just like they said in Fame, success is something that costs and this is where you start paying in sweat.
Malcolm Gladwell said that most success people have spent 10,000 hours mastering their craft. Have you started your 10,000 hours quest to be an expert in the areas of life where you love? Have you prepared yourself to take advantage of and experience the kind of opportunities that are right in front of your face and waiting just for you to act?
Sometimes people over complicate how easy it is to get on the pathway to success. You start, you prepare, you practice, your tweak, you grow, you practice, you get better, RINSE, and Repeat. I know sounds boring, at first but it’s not.
If you had any idea how much better your life would look, in a year if you started on your course, would you be willing to get out of your own way, and try? Success takes consistency, effort, and improvement. You can’t get mad if success keeps on “eluding you” if you are not constantly working and improving to get better.
Give yourself the gift of getting started, of seeing how far you can get if you are consistent. Stretch and give yourself the opportunity to shine and grow, your worth it.
I don’t know where you are today, but I encourage you to move one step toward consistency, start planting seeds everyday that will help you get closer. work on your passion, and know that if you believe your passion and follow it, you can make it the vehicle that will get you where you want to go? Are you living your passion? If not, today is a great time to start. Please share your comments, and your experiences, we would love to hear them.
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