Isn’t There Something Better?
I am going to say something.. as a matter of a fact I am going to scream it!!
You get ONE Life! There are not any do-overs. Yes, you made some mistakes, not everything has gone according to plan. As a matter of a fact, some things are just down right frustrating, but that is not going to make you feel better when you look back at the time you wasted. So here I am going to give you some unsolicited advice, SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!
Ok, I am done.
It is easy to get complacent with life. You are busy you have tons of things to distract you and make you lose focus. There may only be small pockets of time when you get some sense of clarity around the fact that where you are now, is not where you want to end up. If that is the case, you want to be intentional about making some changes and open to the possibilities that are probably right in front of your eyes.
One of the things that I discovered over the past couple of years is that I was allowing my life to define my possibilities and not the other way around. My schedule ruled my life. I was getting things done, but those things were not taking me in the direction I needed and wanted to go in. The busyness and all the actions became the distraction, and honestly they were very effective, but in a bad way. It wasn’t until my step mom died that I finally stopped and thought about what I was doing wrong, and finally re-evaluated my position. What is it going to take to get your attention? For instance, when you look at what is important to you and you lay it side by side with how you are spending your time, how are you measuring up? Things that make you go hmmmmm!
As the year quickly comes to a close, I think it is time to take a close look at where you are today, and ask yourself a serious question if nothing changes over this next year, will that be okay with you? Will you be satisfied with your results, or will you have some regrets that you have to work out.
If you can answer the question with a strong yes, I am happy for you. I would even encourage you to put the article down and walk away, but if there is even a question in your mind about what you are leaving on the table you should keep reading.
Is comfort killing you? The comfort that you are experiencing is not leading you anywhere new because it doesn’t require anything different. When there is nothing making you do anything different you’re actually going backwards. Think about it what did you learn the last time you watched someone work out at the gym, you learned that it is possible to lose weight, get in shape, and work hard, but none of those things will happen to you unless you actually did the work.
When there is comfort, there can be no growth because growth is grown out of friction, and it is birthed under force.
The scariest thing we face in life is not knowing. You can do more than you think you can, but you will never know that if you don’t push forward pass your perceived limitations. You have the ability to go further, accomplish more, and feel more fulfilled, as long as you are willing to put forth the effort to make a change.
The first part of arriving at any destination is making a plan. We have a little more than 60 days left in the year. What you do you want to accomplish? Most of all, what are you willing to put in place to move in the right direction?
As you ponder these questions, think about what is really important to you. The things that you want to be able to put on your list of accomplishments. Are you starting a company, are you pushing past your limitations or your fears, running a marathon, starting a non-profit, going back to school, learning how to play that instrument or learning how to dance?
I have a gentle reminder from God today, one I hope you will heed. You can do anything in the world! You are gifted, you are talented, and you are ready. So the question is yours to answer, what do you want to do, and what are you waiting for? Get started!
What do you NEED to do today, that will help you create a new tomorrow? Accountability is great… what are you ready to start?
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