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Every day tons of articles are written about how to be successful, but there is one thing that people don’t talk about, that they should.
There is one big difference separates the billionaires, from the middle class, and the working poor. So, what is it you must be thinking..
The ONE BIG thing stopping most people from being successful, it is their relationship with fear.
Before you stop reading the article, or blow this off, let me explain. Fear is one of our biggest motivator, it effects your thoughts, and your actions. Honestly, it shows up in everything you do.
Why? Fear is ALWAYS operating in your subconscious mind. It makes you second guess your choices and it can be mentally and emotionally draining. It is often working on you, and you don’t even know it.
Every one of us has to deal with fear, but what you do when you experience fear is the real key to success. So, here are a few things you may need to put into practice to help you get over your fears and achieve the success you deserve.
Fear was meant to protect you, not stop you!
Fear is natural. It tells you there is something that you need to pay attention to, but it is not supposed to shut you down. When you feel fear, take a closer look at the situation and access it from a fact-by-fact basis. Ask yourself if the choice you are making is based on fear, or fact. If your decision is based on fear, reassess whether or not it is really the right decision to make.
Operate from a, what is the worst thing that could happen mindset.
Successful people take risks, and you have to learn to do the same thing. Ask yourself the question, “what is the best thing that could happen, and what is the worst thing that could happen?. Successful people make informed decisions, and ultimately they pay off. Start doing the same thing.
Embrace mistakes.
Making a mistake is not the worst thing that could ever happen to you, mistakes are your biggest teachers. One of the biggest and most costly mistakes you can make is allowing your fears to stop you from making a decision. Don’t try to stop yourself from making mistakes all you will waste is time. Embrace your mistakes as a fact of life, and learn
Get into the habit of acting, FAST.
You cannot expect to be successful, if you spend years, or weeks thinking things over. Inaction is not your friend. Most opportunities don’t last forever, and the longer you wait to make a decision the more you have to lose. Make a choice, learn and move on.
Try these tips out and let us know how they work for you.
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