If Not You, Then Who?
There was a story that I remember hearing a story about someone, somebody, nobody, and them. It’s a story about people who saw a need, knew someone needed to do something, and they all kept looking to the other people to be one who finally helped. The result is nothing ever got done, and everyone was pointing fingers. Today, I want to bring to your attention one thing, all of us are someone, and we all can and should do something. I would almost dare to say that you (me to) already know what you should be doing and where you need to start. So let me bring out some points for your consideration.
1. You were born for this! All of us were born with assignments we were made to complete. Some of us know exactly what they are, and some of us don’t. It’s okay to be confused, but that is not a state you need to operate in for long periods of time. It is also not something that you will look back on fondly and be happy that you waited. Take some time to figure out next steps so you can get to the business of starting your assignment.
2. Your happiness is tired up in your starting and completing your assignment. Did you ever stop to think about how good you feel when you are operating in your purpose? How good you feel when you have accomplished something that really matters to you. There may be others around you who just don’t get it, but you have a huge smile on your face! That is because you are operating in your purpose. If you are not happy, or you are struggling perhaps it is because your not doing what you really want to do and it is eating you up inside. Perhaps it is that feeling of something not being quite right. Decide to walk in your purpose, make the choice and live by it, it matters to you and to the people who you were made to serve and help.
3. Something HAS to give. I can almost hear some of you saying, right now I don’t have time to add another thing to my plate. Maybe you might even be saying I will start working on that when I accomplish this, when my job slows down, or at some other convenient time. The time you spend outside of your purpose, is time wasted, PERIOD! Even if, you have to take baby steps, you need to be moving forward. It is not okay to put your true calling on hold while you live your life because ultimately you and everyone else is cheated out of all you have to offer. You have to make a decision, and it may not be a convenient one. For a while, you may find yourself lacking in some areas, and you may even have to sacrifice, but in the end it will all be worth it.
If not you, then who means there is a gaping hole you were created to fill, and for as long as you don’t operate in your gift and serve the world you and everyone else will never know what they missed out on. Whenever you see a big hole, ask yourself am the someone, and if so when will I show up for duty!
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