The first time I saw someone from television on the street, I was shocked because they looked completely different. Once you get to lights, camera and action they have gone through a transformation process, they are prepared, they look polished, and every part of them is picture perfect. If you aren’t aware of all that it takes to pull off television magic, you would think that things just came together but that is far from the truth. There are teams working in the background working hard to pull together every aspect of the show from soup to nuts so the process looks seamless.
You and I, face those same truths in our own lives. Walking into our future and reaching the level of success that we desire will take some steps that others don’t know, and probably won’t see. You will have to go through some processes, and do some work, but in the end everything will look like seamless, beautiful, perfection. In order to get you ready for that walk into greatness, I want to ask you to consider a few things that will move you along that process.
- Recognize that you deserve the best. Moving from good to great means you have to KNOW that you deserve the best in your life, and you have to identify where the best is not showing up. Consciously yes, we all know that we deserve the best, but somewhere and somehow we forget or begin to operate in ways where that doesn’t show. Maybe someone made you question that because of where we came from, and perhaps you feel like you aren’t worthy because you didn’t get as far as you thought you should at this time in your life, or maybe you feel guilty about expecting the best because of old childhood wounds, or past mistakes. Take a look in the mirror and remind yourself daily that you really do deserve the best, and demand it from yourself and others.
- Don’t close any doors that are open to you. You need to take opportunity and swing the door wide open by being ready and prepared for what is coming your way! You have some amazing opportunities in front of you, some of them will be the perfect fit and some others will not be good for you at all. Don’t allow yourself to close any of those doors by not being prepared and not being ready to excel or go. All of us have opportunities that are right in front of us. So ask yourself these questions, “What opportunities are staring me right in the face, that I may have overlooked or ignored?” and “What do I need to do to get ready for this next great opportunity in my life?”. Take advantage of the open doors and know there really are opportunities all around you, take advantage of them.
- Remember operating at your Best, Takes Work. Choosing to have the best possible life will require some changes and they will be ongoing. In order to walk into your best life and live it, you have to be willing to change the way you operate in some areas of your life and then you have to deliberately choose to go into a different direction. Ask yourself what you are really willing to do to have the kind of life you want to live? Saying anything is great, but is it true? You have to be willing to make the necessary adjustments and then you actually have to make them.
Today, take out your journal and write down the answers to those questions. Think about where you want to go and what you are willing to do to get there. Stretch yourself and be willing to consider all of the amazing opportunities and work on those areas so that you will be camera ready when you find yourself under the spotlight.
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