It’s Here, And You Don’t Want To Get IT! How To Stay Away From The Flu!
Flu season is here, and it is here in full blast. Doctors and hospital are already reporting multiple cases of the flu, and YOU don’t want to be next. Doctors are saying that this is the worst flu season that we have seen in decades, and the number of reported Flu cases goes up from January-March.
According to the CDC, these are the Signs and symptoms of the flu.
People who have the flu, often feel some or all of these signs and symptoms:
- • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
- • Cough
- • Sore throat
- • Runny or stuffy nose
- • Muscle or body aches
- • Headaches
- • Fatigue (very tired)
- Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
Keep these in mind, if you can catch the flu early, Tamiflu or other drugs like it will make you feel better faster, but you have to catch the flu early within the first 48 hours.
Note: It’s not to late to get a Flu Shot, but keep in mind that it takes two weeks to get immunity, and doctors say that Flu Shots are only 50% effective.
Here Are Some Tips To Help The Flu Stay Away From You and Your Family!
- Stay away from people who are sick
- Wash your hands as often as possible
- Don’t touch your face, until you have washed your hands.
- Take lots of Vitamin C.
- Drink lots of fluids, especially water.
- Make sure you get enough sleep, Shoot For 8 Hours.
- Watch what you eat! Make sure you eat foods full of vitamins and minerals and stay away from processed foods. Give your body the best possible chance to fight infection.
- Try to avoid stress as much as possible; it wears down your immune system.
When you are starting to feel sick, slow down, and get some rest. Don’t make it worse by pushing your self; your body is talking, so listen.
Lastly, people who have the flu can be contagious, 1 day prior to symptoms showing up and 5-7 days after they have started. Even with the treatment they are contagious until they have been fever free for 48 hours. So make sure you keep your distance. Women who are pregnant, those who are very young and the elderly are usually hit the hardest so keep an eye on your loved ones. Hopefully these tips will help you, and your family stay away from the flu and out of the doctors office!
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