I’ve been fortunate enough to be married to my husband for over 17 years.
Although, I love my husband dearly, just like anything worth having
you need to put in the work!
With that being said, I love resources that help you make your marriage better. I call them tools for sharpening the sword, and helping you grow.
You need tools to push you, encourage you, and support you, as you commit to building a happy forever life together.
So, ALL those little pulls, prods, and insights are helpful throughout the entire life of marriage, if you want it to last. I learned this pretty early on in my marriage and that insight becomes clearer and clearer every year, so I make sure I share good resources whenever I find them.
Honestly, I know that I’ve had several occasions when it has often been sermons, books, and wise counsel that has shown me when I was wrong. A word or a story will grab my attention and I quickly realize, wow that person sounds just like me… UGH! so this book was right up my alley.
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I was given this new book by Kyle Idleman and his wife, Desirae called, Awaken Love..The Song to check out.
For 6 weeks, in this devotional they take you through a group of exercises, reflections and questions, that you can and probably should ask yourself.
From great stories, to thoughtful questions there is something in here for everyone.
I really love the conversation that Kyle refers to in this chapter. He shares a story about the macho man in the gym talking about divorce. His insights were so telling, and as so many people reach a point where they think about divorcing their spouses. It really made you think.
Kyle and his wife Desirae share some insights that I think most of us need to consider. They pointing us back to the Bible, and they give us a chance to do some very necessary self-reflection.
What kind of wife are you and what kind of husband do you have?
In marriage, the most challenging thing for all of us can be seeing things from the other persons perspective. I know it sounds easy, but it is really hard when you are angry or upset.
Resources like this one are priceless, especially if you don’t have other married people in your life who you can talk to, or if you don’t have people around you who can give you wise counsel. A resource like this one makes it possible for you to build a strong healthy marriage one good choice at a time.
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After reading this book, I would recommend this book to couples, counselors, pastors, church staff, marriage ministries, and anyone who wants to invest in their marriage.
This devotional would also make a great gift for newly weds, or someone who is engaged, and waiting to be married. I am certainly going to be adding it to my marriage and relationship library, and I think you might want to as well.. If you are looking for some other great marriage books check out these books, and check out a few of our other book reviews.
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Disclosure: I received this gift from Propeller Consulting, LLC and the giveaway is also by them. The opinions and ideas are all mine. The giveaway terms are as follows, only one giveaway per household per item, and winners will be verified to make sure they meet the terms and conditions.
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