I went to the health food store in search of some information, some vitamins, a cleanse kit, something, because I just wasn’t feeling quite right.
I eat well, and I am pretty active, but I was dragging and my energy was low. Really, there has got to be something I can take or do for this!
I shared my plight with Adam, the associate, and he brought something to my attention that I didn’t give much thought.
He asked a number of questions about my recent activity, and I felt good that I was able to answer “yes” to most of them, but with one question, he helped me crack the code.
I run outside, and since the temperatures dropped I haven’t been running. My winter workouts were scaled down and weren’t quite as intense.
Bottom Line: My “other” activities just didn’t measure up.
By bringing my running to an abrupt halt, and by shortening my workouts all those endorphins were gone. His recommendation, get some warm running clothes, some gloves, a hat, a scarf, and get back on the road.
In September, I thought that by creating a support group Her Fit Club on Facebook, to help women take better care of themselves, and by working out and eating well, I thought I had all my bases covered.
Being around a group of wonderful supportive women with the same goals, working out and eating healthy was a great start, but had I overlooked something really important? Apparently YES!
It takes A WHOLE LOT MORE motivation to carve out time for yourself and stay active, especially when the temperature plummets.
So, I NEED to tweak my PLAN!
I am excited to tap into a program I think is going to help me and so many others succeed on this journey. There is a great dare out there, that I have decided to take, and I hope you will take it with me.
It is called the We Dare You page. On this page, people like you and me take dares or challenges that put our health front and center. By sharing pictures of ourselves completing challenges (this month, it is how we are relaxing), taking fitness challenges, or by taking healthy lifestyle quizzes you can win prizes.
These look pretty good!
You can join this effort with your friends and family, so you can make it a friendly competition.
I know you made it through Thanksgiving, but what are you doing to do to make it through Christmas? Think about how much fun it would be to win gift cards for doing something good for yourself? I know you don’t want to add any more unwanted pounds to your waistline.
This time of year can be grueling, on your mind, body and finances, how are you going to make sure that you feel good both inside and outside? Why don’t you use this tool to help give you the incentive you need to make you and your health a top priority!
Please think about joining me, and bring a friend, even better challenge your whole family. It’s easy.
Remember, this is a great way to stay motivated, take better care of you, and who knows you may even win. So, click the link and join me on the We Dare You page and give a big gift to yourself, Go ahead.. I double dog Dare You.
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